The family of the late actor Bill Paxton has agreed to settle a wrongful death lawsuit against a Los Angeles hospital.

The Paxton family has agreed to settle their lawsuit against Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.

Plaintiffs' lawyers say the matter has been resolved to the mutual satisfaction of the parties.

The attorneys said that the terms of the agreement are confidential and that they are not allowed to comment.

Paxton, an actor known for his roles in films and television series, died in 2017.

The cause of death for Dick Van Dyke was a stroke that came 11 days after surgery.

The surgeon was sued for using a high-risk surgical approach that was unnecessary.

Paxton alleges that the care he received from Cedars-Sinai led to excessive bleeding, cardiogenic shock and a compromised coronary artery.

Paxton's family voluntarily went ahead with surgery that led to his death due to no negligence.

The Paxton family fought a 4 year legal battle with the hospital over evidence.