Google on Tuesday announced that it is overhauling the principles of how it uses artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies. The company promised not to follow “technologies that could cause or cause overall damage”, “weapons or other technologies whose main purpose or implementation is to make people’s injury or directly facilitates,” “technologies” “technology Surveillance by collecting or using internationally recognized rules “and” technology whose purpose violates international law and human rights policies. “
The changes were revealed Attached to a note At the top of a 2018 blog post by unveiling the guidelines. “We have updated on our AI policies. View AIGogle for the latest, “The note has read.
In A blog post on TuesdayA pair of Google Executives have mentioned the growing use of AI as a “background” for why Google’s policies need to overcome.
Google first published principles in 2018 because it moved to prevent internal protests on the decision of the organization to work on US military forces Drone programThe As a response, it has declined Renew to Government Agreement And also declare A set of principles To guide the future uses of future advanced technology like artificial intelligence. Among other systems, the principles say that Google will not develop weapons, specific surveillance systems or technologies that undermine human rights.
However, on Tuesday, Google removed those promises. New web Google’s AI is no longer listed a set of banned use for the initiative. Instead, the revised document provides Google more houses to follow potential sensitive use cases. It states that “Google will implement the reaction system to combine proper human supervision, proper perseverance and user goals, social responsibility and international law and human rights policies.” Google has now also said that it will work to “eliminate involuntary or harmful results”.
Demis Hassabis, Google Senior Vice President of Research, Technology and Society and CEO of Google Deepmind, wrote, “We believe that the AI development of the company should be led by the main values such as freedom, equilibrium and human rights,” the Honorable AI Research Lab of the company. “And we believe that the agencies, governments and agencies sharing these values should work together to create AI that protects people, promotes global growth and support national security.”
They have added that Google will continue to concentrate on AI projects “which will be combined with our mission, our scientific focus and the fields of our skills, and will be compatible with the principles of international law and human rights.”
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US President Donald Trump has encouraged many organizations returning to the office last month To correct the policies of equity and other liberal idealsThe Google spokesman Alex Crossov says the changes are working for a long time.
Google lists its new goals by following the bold, responsible and associate AI initiatives. Laughing “Be Socially beneficial” and “Maintaining Scientific Excellence”. Added a mention of adding “respect” Buddhist property rightsThe “