An easy way to clean the air can be a powerful way to filter indoor air pollutants.

A study by researchers at Brown University and the Silent Spring Institute found that inexpensive and easy-to-assemble

Corsi-Rosenthal boxes can help reduce exposure to indoor air pollutants.

Reducing indoor air concentrations of chemicals that are normally found and considered to pose a risk to human health is one way to improve occupant health,

“The findings show that a cheaper and easier-to-build air filter can protect against diseases caused not only by viruses but also by chemical contaminants,”

“The findings show that a cheaper and easier-to-build air filter can protect against diseases caused not only by viruses but also by chemical contaminants,”

 “This type of extraordinarily accessible public health intervention can empower groups on the net to take action to improve their air, and consequently their fitness.”

Corsi-Rosenthal bins or cubes can be made with materials found at hardware stores: 4 MERV-13 filters, duct tape, a 20-inch bin fan, 

a cardboard bin. As part of an all-faculty project, college students and partners from the campus community assembled boxes and mounted them inside 

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