New Yorkers! 'Succession' needs you to appear in season 4

Fancy rubbing shoulders with the Roys IRL? Succession season 4 is currently filming

 and HBO's hit screen is looking for historical performers for a big big apple event scene in January.

The show's casting group is looking for New Yorkers to attend the set for a few days between January 9 and 24 on Long Island.

All of us over the age of 18, of any gender and ethnicity, are welcome to use.

 You would be portraying 'very exclusive and rich guys for a casual scene'. For non-SAG-AFTRA folks

Yes, Logan, Roman, Shiv and company need you to be close to them with a precise look.

A trip to Queens is required for the Covid test. The production is hosting reviews and paying an extra $60 to take them.

If you'd like, simply email succession@gwcnyc.Com with the difficulty header 'Fancy Succession Types'.

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