Val Kilmer is ready to step back into the role of Batman once again, according to IGN.

"That's why it’s so easy to have five or six Batmans," Kilmer told the reporter. "It's not about Batman.

There is no Batman." Additionally, as many actors who have played Batman have also observed, Kilmer says the suit was extremely uncomfortable.

Would you have any interest in playing Batman/Bruce Wayne again even in a cameo?

The DC movie franchise is due to have a big multiverse story when The Flash hits theaters next year.

Also elsewhere in the franchise, Robert Pattison's Batman will be returning for Batman 2. On Tuesday, it was announced that filmmaker Matt Reeves will be working with writer Mattson Tomlin  on the upcoming Batman 2's script.

Tomlin didn't receive screenwriting credit, he worked with Reeves on this year's reboot.

Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton's take on the character--each, obviously, a bit older than when they stepped into the role originally.

Specifically, we now have multiple universes in comic book movies where actors who've played Batman or Spider-Man in the past team up with the current actor playing the role.