In a video with over 2.4 million views, TikTok user Danny (@dannyamosjr) stitches a video with user Mykol (@mykol_gummings), who claims that he makes $40 per hour driving for UPS.

“Nobody knows,” Mykol says in his video. “That’s the beauty of it.”

In Danny’s stitch, he goes on to explain that he discovered the high wages of UPS drivers after speaking with one outside of his building several years ago.

“He pulls out his pay stub, and I seen the six figure number and I said, ‘Say less,’” Danny recounts.

UPS drivers enjoy higher wages and considerable benefits due in large part to their union membership, which allows them to collectively bargain for things like wages and benefits.

“UPS has 86,000 U.S. drivers, all represented by one of the country’s largest unions, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters,” NBC News explained in 2006.

To back this up, Danny claims in comments that, while drivers can start at around $20 per hour, that number escalates to “41.47 straight time” with an “overtime rate a little over 62 an hour.

He claims this is a “4-year union pay progression.”

“It has all the kind of benefits associated with the U.S. manufacturing sector 20 years ago.”